Philosophy & Religion

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

New York Amish : life in the plain communities of the Empire State

  by Karen Johnson-Weiner.  Amish settlements in New York have grown to some 25 since these German-speaking Anabaptist immigrants first came to the state in the early 19th century and are less well-known than Amish communities in other states, notes Johnson-Weiner (anthropology, State U. of New York, Potsdam). She traces their history, traditions, intragroup differences (e.g., between the Swartzentruber Amish and the Swiss Amish), and relations with non-Amish. The book includes maps and photos, even some of a people who regard such as forbidden graven images. Appendices list existing and extinct Old Order Amish settlements in New York. --Summary (Check catalog)

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