Philosophy & Religion

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Monday, August 23, 2010

The global Luther : a theologian for modern times

 The Global Luther is one of those rare finds among edited volumes: a work that across 17 chapters shows remarkable coherence and thematic unity. Its editor, Helmer, guided with great acuity the like-titled conference held at Northwestern in 2008. Helmer has brought together an excellent collection of scholars to assess the continuing impact of Martin Luther on the 21st-century world. Though the roster includes a few long-established scholars, the contributors are largely of a new and emerging generation. Sharing their scholarship with the wider academic community makes this volume important on that point alone. The book begins by examining Luther's impact on Western civilization and the global community. The next two sections look at Luther's understanding of the human being coram deo (before God) and coram hominibus (before humanity). The fourth section places justification by faith into broader conversation with ethics and interreligious dialogue. Finally, the book examines, with appreciated nuance, Luther's approach to politics and the use of coercive power. --Choice (Check Catalog)

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