Philosophy & Religion

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Prayers of the faithful : the shifting spiritual life of American Catholics

 by James P. McCartin. McCartin examines the shifting landscape of American Catholicism through the lens of prayer. According to the author, devotional rituals and communal prayer, once the backbone of the Catholic faith, no longer play pivotal roles in the lives of many modern Catholics. Over the course of th past several decades, many Catholics have rejected the strispiritual hierarchy that was, for centuries, the foundation of the organized church. This dramatic shift in the practice of the Catholic religion has resulted in the evolution of prayer itself into an independent-centered activity incorporated into daily routines rather than a publicly performed and formalized ritual. The author analyzes this spiritual transformation in terms of the American Catholic contribution to the culture and sociology of the American experience, placing his theory firmly into historical context. --Booklist. (Check Catalog)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a nice combination of both religion and history. Well written and interesting for a wide audience. Interesting focus on the charismatic renewal and liberation theology in terms of their link to public action and the broader Catholic church.