Philosophy & Religion

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

A new kind of Christianity : ten questions that are transforming the faith

 by Brian D. McClaren. McLaren's fans and detractors have eagerly awaited this book, which promises to codify the beliefs he introduced in his bestselling A New Kind of Christian and other titles. McLaren, one of the most visible faces of the emergent movement, examines 10 questions the church must answer as it heads toward "a new way of believing." McLaren deconstructs the "Greco-Roman narrative" of the Bible and addresses how the Bible should be understood as an "inspired library," not a "constitution." He moves into questions regarding God, Jesus, and the Gospel, urging us to "trade up" our image of God and realize that Jesus came to "launch a new Genesis." The Church, sexuality, the future, and pluralism merit chapters, as does McLaren's final call for "a robust spiritual life." Followers will rejoice as McLaren articulates his thoughts with logic and eloquence; detractors will point out his artful avoidance of firm answers on salvation, hell, and a final judgment. All sides will flock to this with glee. --Publishers Weekly. (Check Catalog)

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