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Monday, June 9, 2014

Four blood moons : something is about to change

View full imageby John Hagee    (Get the Book)
In his latest, pastor Hagee draws connections between celestial events and biblical prophecies. Operating under the initial assumption that god controls various heavenly bodies (e.g. the sun, moon, and stars), Hagee seeks to interpret the spiritual message behind various astronomical phenomena. As the subtitle suggests, Hagee urgently believes change is coming, and he cautions his readers to be on the lookout for messages from God. Gallagher proves a compelling narrator. He reads clearly and briskly, which works to maintain listener interest. Hagee is clearly a devoted pastor and Gallagher does an excellent job capturing that devotion and the fervency of the author's beliefs. At the same time, Gallagher's narration is conversational and practical, and he reads in a matter-of-fact way that makes the author's material seem down-to-earth. A Worthy hardcover. --Publishers Weekly

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