Philosophy & Religion

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Friday, February 24, 2012

The better end : surviving (and dying) on your own terms in today's modern medical world

View full image by Dan Morhaim.  As a practicing physician, Morhaim (health medicine & policy, Johns Hopkins Univ.; delegate, Maryland General Assembly) has watched the detrimental effects that end-of-life procedures have on dying patients, their families, and the medical personnel who care for them. He has made it his personal mission to urge patients to prepare advance directives-legal documents that convey decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time-to improve the comfort and quality of a dying patient's care. Using real-life examples and minimal medical jargon, he describes in detail how many common emergency procedures, like CPR, are implemented and comments on the pros and cons of each. A resource list provides links to general resources on palliative care, hospice, organ donations, and alternative funerals. Also included is a state-by-state list of advance directive resources. Verdict Morhaim's book should take some of the mystery out the critical care and end-of-life process. Though a bit pricey, this slim volume can be read in a few hours. A good introduction not bogged down with detail, this book will prepare readers to discuss this very important topic. --Library journal (Check Catalog)

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